
Fremont, California

Project Scope:

Campus Master Planning, Major Renovation, New Exterior Elevations, Library/Multi-Media Lab, Student Union, Faculty Dining, Classrooms, Science and Computer Labs, Outdoor Learning Quad, Admin Offices, STEM Facility.

New campus master plan and major renovation to an existing 2-story office structure with its surrounding outdoor areas into a new STEM college campus in Fremont, California. The STEM college wanted to use the new building project as impetus for re-branding the long-established institution. The building program includes new library/reading areas, student project-based workshop areas, multi-purpose student lounge areas for private and semi-private meetings, 14 large modern classrooms/lecture halls, 2 physics labs, 2 chemistry labs, 2 large computer labs, student dining area, new admin wing, and a new student café. In addition to the large array of interior programmed spaces; the existing “loading dock” area at the rear of the 2-story building was converted into a new iconic “in-genius” green garden to allow the student and faculty to further extend opportunities for outdoor learning.